Todo list App
- Standard modules & local modules
- GUI(Graphic User Interface)
- Webapps with Streamlit
PDF Generator
- Reading CSV file with module Pandas
- Create PDF with module FPDF
News API App
- URL requests with module Request
- Sending emails with module Smtplib, Ssl
WebCam Motion Detector
- Capturing webcam video with module Cv2
- Programming to detect moving objects
- Threading
Visualizing Weather Forecast
- Webapp with Streamlit
- Data filtering
- Data plotting with module
Student Management System
- Create graphic user interface with module PyQt6
- Module Sqlit3
- Manipulating data with SQL language
Hotel Booking System
- OOP style app
- Class vs Instance
- Class inheritance
- Overwriting parent
Flask Job Application Form
- App structure with Flask
- Creating database and storing data with module flask_sqlalchemy
- Connecting the backend to frontend
Django Job Application Form
- Django project and apps setting up
- Creating database and storing data with module django.db
- Connecting the backend to frontend