Globle Data on COVID-19 Deaths
- Exploring spatial temporal data with SQL
- Visualizing the data with Tableau
Simple Linear Regression
- Reading CSV file with pandas
- Performing linear regression with statsmodels
- Visualization with matplotlib.pyplot
Multi Linear Regression
- Multi linear regression with sklearn
- Reshape matrix with numpy
- Standardization with StandardScaler
Linear Regression--Used Car Price
- Display PDF with seaborn
- Data preprocessing with pandas and numpy
- Log transformation
- Including categorical data by creating dummies
- Train_test_split
Logistic Regression
- Binary predictors in a logistic regression
- Calculating the accuracy with confusion matrix
- Model testing
AudioBook Prediction
- Balancing datasets
- Creating 3 datasets: training, validation, and testing
- Standardization with sklearn
- Training model with TensorFlow 2.0
Absenteeism Analysis and Tableau Visualization
- Data preprocessing
- Logistic regression with sklearn
- Saving and deploying the model
- Analysing the predicted output with Tableau